Hand signs

As you may have read before, if you go to a different time zone that there might be a different culture, which means that the hand suggestions you think are perfectly normal, might be very offensive for them

Thumbs up           persons-0106 persons-0107

A sign we in the western community use a lot is the thumbs up! As we see no harm why we shouldn’t use the thumbs up, it is a really offensive thing in Bangladesh! In Bangladesh it’s a real insult to give a thumbs up. A weird thought I would say as we see the sign for a good thing.

Come here

Another very common sign that we use is the “Come here” sign.

As well another sign that you thing would cause no harm but you couldn’t be further from the truth as in the Philippines you could be arrested for it. As we use the sign as we see somebody and we like them to come over, in Asia it can only be used to call dogs.

Horn fingers/ Rock signmetal-horn-emoji

The horn fingers in the USA of the rockers sign is a sign of approval, something that you’re liking. During a rock festival you see nothing else. But just like the ones above you can expect that in some country’s it has a totally different meaning.

In Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Spain, Italy and Portugal this mean that you partner is cheating on you… So watch out!

OK                                 persons-0108

The oké sign is a very common use in the diving language to say that everything is all good and that there are no problems. Very normal I would think. But in Brazil however it’s a very rude gesture.

The V sign/peace sign         persons-0111

This sign has been a spoken sign over decades! Behind the sign lays a bit of history aswell.

So I’ll start off by saying that here are two V signs. They look very alike but have the opposite meaning. So be careful to use them!

You got the one with the palm of your hand faced outwards, and the other one as you could guess with the palm of your hand faced inwards.

In the USA both signs have the meaning of victory and peace. The sign has been adopted in the 70’s by the hippies as the peace sign.

In the UK, Australia and South Africa the V sign with the palm of your hand faced inwards it’s conciderd a very rude and instulting meaning. “Fuck you”.